Recalculating Your Returns For Retirement Planning With Saen Higgins

Recalculating Your Returns for Retirement Planning with Saen Higgins


Saen Higgins

Many Calculation Models for retirement savings base their figures on an 8% return. Given our current economy, it s probably safe to say that 8% may be a bit optimistic, states Saen Higgins, President of Wealth Without Risk and leading expert on tax lien certificates. He adds, With the stock market performing dismally over the past few years, it s becoming increasingly obvious that there are no guarantees when counting on market returns .

Most retirement planning calculators figure your potential financial condition based on the amount of money you have, how much you can save and how much you ll need for your future. If you follow the typical rules that most stockbrokers abide by, you ll have a portfolio of 60% stocks and 40% bonds. Based on current yields, you ll get a total return of about 6%. Should the market continue to improve slightly over the coming years, you might get as much as 7% on your investment. Still, there are no guarantees in these investments.


A lot of other factors can impact your numbers, such as your age and future market rates. The thing to keep in mind is that a solid and varied investment portfolio, needs to include not just stocks and bonds, but investment options that can guarantee a 16-24% rate of return, Higgins continues. Tax lien certificates are the ONLY investments that are not only guaranteed, but are paying unheard of interest rates.

If you d like more information on investing in tax lien certificates or tax lien deeds, please visit

. Saen conducts workshops and training seminars all over the world. Reserve a seat at his next workshop by calling 1-800-882-0467. You ll be making an investment in your own future. Find us on Facebook at Saen Higgins Fan Page.

Saen Higgins is the worlds leading authority on investing in tax lien certificates. He is the only expert speaking and training on tax liens today that actually continues to invest in tax lien certificates himself. A self-made multi-millionaire, Saen has inspired audiences around the globe with his wealth building strategies.

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