Why Would You Need A Walworth Motorcycle Accident Attorney?


If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you may just be glad that the outcome wasn’t more severe, and have started working on moving on with your life. But contacting a Walworth motorcycle accident attorney could be an important next step for you, even if you weren’t seriously injured. Wondering why? Here are some facts about motorcycle accidents that you may not know:

  • In most of the accidents that involve a motorcycle and another car (which account for 75% of all motorcycle accidents), the driver of the car was at fault.
  • Motorcycle accidents occur the most often at intersections, where vehicle drivers ignore motorcycle right-of-way.
  • Even if there was inclement weather during or directly before your accident, the weather is not ruled to be the cause of motorcycle accidents 98% of the time.
  • In most motorcycle accidents, the rider has less than two seconds to avoid the collision.
  • Like car accidents, most motorcycle accidents happen close to home and are more likely to occur when you are just running a quick errand or taking a short trip.
  • The main cause of motorcycle accidents across all states is the failure of vehicle drivers to see motorcyclists in traffic.

This data was all collected in a study 10 years ago, and yet it all holds up today. Motorcycle accidents are by and large ruled the fault of the driver of the vehicle, and it still true that over three-quarters of all motorcycle accidents do involve another vehicle.

With this data, and these trends in motorcycle law, behind you, it is not difficult at all to see that even if you weren’t sure who was at fault, the law is on your side.

A Walworth Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Help

There are several ways to prevent dangerous motorcycle accidents knowing these facts. Those may include:

  • Ensuring that you are watching the front tires of a car in an intersection, not the driver.
  • Ensuring that you are extra-aware of traffic around you, and assuming they cannot see you.
  • Being more careful on shorter trips, and not skipping safety gear just because you are just going on a quick errand.

But just because you are taking these safety precautions, does not mean that you will always avoid the mistakes of others. When you need a lawyer on your side, J V. O’Connor can help. Contact us today at 262.671.1685 to learn more.