Some Useful Tips On Planning And Conducting A Business Meeting

Submitted by: Jennifer Mears

The new thinking that often pervades Business Management text books, seminars and training

courses are that meetings are a waste of time. Whilst it s true that an over-abundance of unproductive

meetings are no good to anybody, business meetings still have an important role to play in business

decision making, delegation and communication.

To remove some of the negative associations of Business Meetings it is important that they are

planned and conducted as effectively as possible.

Planning a Business Meeting

It is worth asking ourselves the following questions:

1. Is the meeting absolutely necessary?

Do you need to call the whole department if only a few members hold the relevant information? Can an

alternative to the meeting (such as a conference phone-call, group email, etc) be as effective.

2. Who is required to attend?


Keep the numbers as small and specific as possible. Smaller groups are more productive and it is much

harder getting larger groups to reach agreement and stay on track. If necessary, it can be a good idea to

invite people to certain sections of the meeting. An example of this is meeting with the supervisors and

then having the staff in at the end of the meeting to communicate the decisions reached.

3. Has an agenda been circulated?

Having an agenda keeps people focused and adds much needed structure to the meeting. Ensure that

the agenda is circulated ahead of time and it is as clear and concise as possible.

4. Are visual aids required and understood?

Visual aids help get points across quickly and succinctly. When conducting a meeting you need to ensure

that the data is accurate, understand where it fits with the agenda and try to anticipate any likely


Conducting the Meeting

The following tips will help you conduct a business meeting:

Always start at the assigned time

The agenda has been circulated in advance so everybody knows the correct start time. Waiting fo

latecomers, or stopping the meeting to tell them what they have missed will make the meeting run ove

time. This will inconvenience those that did make it on time. Also, if people know you will start without

them they will be inclined to improve their time management for your next meeting.

Start with the easier issues

Start with easily resolvable issues first and leave the more challenging ones until the end. By solving the

easier problems first, the participants will have developed a sense of rapport and successfully exercised

their problem solving skills. It will also help the overall productivity of the meeting getting the easie

tasks resolved first. You will then know exactly how much time you have left for the weightier problems.

Be strict with time management

Try to plan an amount of time for each agenda item and stick to it. If the dialogue is going in circles o

no solution looks imminent then note the progress made and move on. Don t try to force a resolution as

some issues could take weeks or months to resolve.

Continue unresolved topics at later meetings

It s always best to try and resolve as much as possible in the original meeting. However, new problems

may come to light, or more data could be required to solve certain issues. Make a note of all unresolved

issues and schedule them for the next meeting, or arrange a smaller meeting with the individuals

directly connected to the issue.

About the Author: Jennifer Mears is a freelance author who writes about various computers and business training topics, To know more about Jennifer’s Training ideas please visit.


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