Forex Trading Secrets

Submitted by: Jacob Coroner

Forex trading has been in existence since the 1870’s when the first gold standard monetary system was set up. This was basically a system devised when each country placed a value on a portion of their currency against an ounce of gold. It is one of the more lucrative forms of trading as the possibilities are high for making an excellent profit.

However, this won’t happen if you just jump into Forex trading blind. Look on the internet and you will find many people willing to sell you Forex trading secrets to ensure a highly profitable way of life. Unfortunately, there are no real secrets to this type of trading. If there were, nobody would be selling them, just using them to make themselves even richer.

The only secrets to Forex trading are best practice tips, common sense tips that should be studied and followed to ensure you at least stand a chance of making a profit, instead of throwing your money down the drain. Any type of trading comes with risks attached and Forex trading is no different.


The first secret is to know your market. Study the currency markets, watch their trends and make it your business to know everything you possibly can about the trade. Doing this will give you some idea of how the markets work and what sort of situations cause up and down turns in the market. Once you know this you can start to work out how to trade successfully.

Emotional control is another secret in Forex trading. You must have it, because without it you will make the wrong decisions and will end bankrupting your Forex trading account very quickly. There are 2 emotions that play a big part; fear and greed.

Fear is a common emotion for new traders. Fear of losing money can make you make the wrong decision. Fear can make you pull out of a trade early in case it suddenly turns, when in actual fact, if you have done your homework you will know if this is what is going to happen. Fear can also make you hold onto a trade that is poor in the hope that it will turn around. Instead of eliminating any loss you end up increasing it.

Greed is the opposite. It makes you continue to trade on a currency pair that is strong and ignore the indicators that tell you when the market is about to turn around. This can lead to a massive loss of profit, depending on how badly the market turns and the currency pair is affected.

One of the biggest secrets to Forex trading is to start small and make sure you trade with the market trend and not against it. Banks, governments and financial institutions are largely responsible for the movement in a currency market and trading against a trend will lose you money without a doubt. Never guess the way a market is going to go, you don’t need to with Forex trading. Homework and study will teach you the best way to follow a trend and trade with it, ensuring profit instead of loss.

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