Having Pigeon Problems? Here Is How To Get Rid Of Them

byAlma Abell

Buying a home can be a very joyous occasion, but it is not without its fair amount of stress. There are a number of different factors and problems that can arise for a homeowner and how they are handled can make a big difference. Among the most common problems in larger metropolitan areas is having too many pigeons on the buildings. These birds can create a number of different issues and are usually a large nuisance. For most home and apartment owners, finding a way to get rid of these pesky birds is a top priority. Here are a few methods used for Pigeon Control in the Plano TX area.

Anti-Roosting Spike Strips


Among the most commonly used methods of pigeon control is the installation of anti-roosting spikes. These spikes are generally placed on a ledge and are there to prevent the pigeons from stopping and sitting for a while. Usually, you will have to consult with a professional in order to get these strips. The best way to make sure they are installed the right way is by letting a professional do it for you.

Use a Sticky Substance on the Ledges

Another great way to control the number of pigeons on your ledges by finding a sticky substance to put on them. By putting things like pine tar on the ledges of a home, you will be able to prevent the pigeons from perching. Usually, you will be able to find the substances you need at your local hardware store. If you are unfamiliar with what type of substance to get, be sure to speak with a pest control professional to get some advice on what needs to be done to reduce these issues from occurring.

String Can Be Very Useful

When trying to get rid of the pigeons taking roost on your home, you can make use of string to help rid yourself of these pests. By finding the spot that the pigeons like to perch, you will be able to tie string from one end of the spot to the other. This will prevent the pigeons from being able to balance, which in turn will keep them away from the ledge. By taking the time to do some research on the behavior of the pigeons, you will be able to figure out what you need to do to rid your home of them.

Essential Information About Pest Control In Oklahoma City, Ok

byAlma Abell

All commercial and residential establishments have, at one time or another, experienced the problem of pest infestation. Pests like cockroaches, ants, flies, termites, spiders, rats, mice and many more are a threat to not only your property, but also the health and well being of those people you care about.

What is Pest Control?

Pest Control in Oklahoma City, OK is the solution to pest infestation problems. Pest control refers to the procedure of getting rid of insects and other pests from your residence or commercial premises. This can be done using some type of insecticide and also restricting access to prevent pests from entering the house again. Effective pest control means that all the different pests infesting a particular area have been killed, driven away or will no longer have access to your home or business.

Importance of Pest Control

The main objective of nearly all forms of pest control is to completely get rid of all the different kinds of pests from your premises. Effective pest control helps to reduce the chance of physical damage to your property as well as reduce the chances of humans contracting diseases that might be spread by different types of pests. In addition, pest control can bring relief to those people who suffer from some kind of phobia or fear associated with the various types of pests.

Why You Should Hire a Professional Pest Control Services

Many homeowners may choose to do pest control on their own. Although this may be cost effective, it may not be so efficient, as some pests might prove extremely hard to remove permanently and might return in large numbers. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you hire the services of a Dandi Pest Control expert to effectively take care of pest control at your home.

For commercial establishments, it is a must that you engage a professional Pest Control in Oklahoma City, OK company to get rid of the pest infesting the premises. In most cases, the problem is usually larger than in individual homes. Apart from endangering property and health, pest infestations at commercial establishments such as hotels, restaurants or hospitals might tarnish the reputation of the business, thereby driving customers away.