How To Maintain Your Car Battery

Submitted by: Marilyn Pokorney

One of the most important parts of your car is the battery. If it doesn’t work, your car doesn’t start. And, in the winter that is even more true than in the summer.

The electrical power produced by the battery is used by the cars ignition system for cranking the engine. The car’s battery also may power the lights and other accessories.

Have the battery tested on a regular basis, including when the car is serviced, before long trips and after it’s been recharged.


Here are some things you can do yourself to prevent being stranded on a cold winter day.

Know how old your battery is. To see how old your battery is look for a small decal on the battery. A letter with a number should be there. The letter indicates the month, starting with “A” for January, “B” for February, and so on. I is skipped so December is “M”. The number represents the year with “9” standing for 1999, “0” for 2000, etc. so D2, would be April, 2002. F5 would be June, 2005. Experts usually advise getting a new battery when a battery is four years old.

Watch for corroded terminals or battery posts, loose clamps, loose cables, or a leaking or damaged battery case. Look for dirty, wet, corroded or swollen cables and battery top.

Look for a loose or broken alternator belt. If the alternator fails the battery might also need to power the vehicle’s entire electrical system until repairs can be made.

Keep jumper cables in the trunk of your car for emergency start up. Make sure the cables are free of rust and corrosion and that there are no exposed wires before using them.

Park your car in a garage whenever possible.

If you must leave your car outside all day, go out and start the car two or three times a day and let the car run for a few minutes to warm up. This will help the car to start more easily when you are ready to go.

When temperatures are below zero Fahrenheit avoid leaving the car out for extended periods of time.

About the Author: Marilyn Pokorney. Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment. Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading. Website:


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Online Dating: Russian Women Sites Some Quick Do’s And Dont’s

By Tim Zelmer

The market for men seeking to date, form relationships and even marry Russian women (and women from the various Republics inside the former USSR) has never been larger, and seems to be growing every day. A quick search of the subject on Google or some other search engine will get you literally thousands of hits and offer you literally hundreds of choices as far as what services to use. However, as all too many men have found in the last few years, there are also a lot of scams and con games out there. And the tragic part about it is most of the men who have been scammed in the past could have avoided it by taking a few simple, common sense precautions.

The fact that there are people out there looking to take advantage of men who are in the Russian women relationship/marriage market is not surprising. Finding someone to share your life with tends to be a very difficult and very emotional process under any circumstances – and people tend to be at their most vulnerable when it comes to matters of the heart. Still, even in matters of the heart, it is also vitally important that people use their heads as well. Here are a few quick, simple, common sense tips to help you avoid the scam artists and conmen (and women) and aid you in your search for the perfect match.

–START WITH YOUR OWN VIRUS PROTECTION PROGRAM – The first step towards finding a legitimate online agency to do business with starts before you even visit any individual websites. It starts with the anti-virus/internet security software that you already have installed on your own computer (and if you don’t have this kind of protection on your computer, you are going to want it get it ASAP). Whether you are using Microsoft, McAfee, Norton, Kaspersky or almost any other major brand, your program will have an internet security feature that will warn you about potential dangers (viruses, worms, spyware, etc.) that are known to be associated with the sites you are considering looking into. Pay attention to these warnings! If a site is red flagged or even question marked by your security software, you will probably want to leave it alone.


–NUDITY – While many legitimate Russian relationship/marriage websites feature pictures of their female clients (and yes, remember that the legitimate agencies are working for the women too!) elegantly or even provocatively dressed, few if any legitimate agencies show any nudity anywhere on their site. If you are at a site featuring naked women, the chances are that you are not at an agency, but rather a porn site. If porn is your thing, have fun! But if you are looking for an actual long term relationship, it is probably time to move on.

–INFORMATION, RESOURCES AND FAQ’s – Just like any other kind of business, the owners of legitimate agencies specializing in Russian women understand that not only do they have a lot of competition out there, but also that an informed consumer is usually the best customer. Once you have found a service’s website that looks interesting to you, make certain that you dig a little deeper into that site before you spend any of your money there. The best place to start is with their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section (and if the site you are at doesn’t have an FAQ section, you might want to look elsewhere). The FAQ section should outline, in clear, simple to understand language, exactly what the site can and can’t do for you. It should also tell you right up front what the various services they offer are, what they cost, how they charge, and what you can reasonably expect. For example, beware of any site that guarantees you that the first woman you meet will be the woman for you. Relationships don’t work that way in real life, and they don’t work that way on the internet either. If after reading through the FAQ you are still interested, surf around the site a little and see what resources they offer. Are there easy to use instructions available? Guarantees? Articles and tips on how to start and continue the relationship process? All of these things are a big plus to the consumer. What you are really looking for, however, is what isn’t there. If, after spending some time on the site you get the feeling that the agency’s owners are being unclear about what they charge, or what services they offer or that they are trying to hide something, it might be time to take your search elsewhere.

–VERIFICATION – This is perhaps the most challenging – and most important – aspect involved in finding the right agency for you: making certain that the women you are meeting are actually who they say they are, and are actually the women in their pictures and videos. By some estimates, fully 80% of the scams associated with all online dating revolve around the fact that someone is not who they claim to be or, in some cases, doesn’t even exist at all. Legitimate services will have some kind of verification process for the women they are representing – the most effective of which, of course, is actually having a representative of their agency physically meet the women in question to verify their identity. For this reason, it is important that any agency you do business with has offices or partners in the countries that the women come from. Still, and unfortunately, even this cannot provide a consumer with a 100% guarantee and so it is necessary that any service you do business with is able to provide you with a way to prove to yourself that the women you are meeting are the women they claim to be. The easiest and most effective way to do this is via a real time video dating option. With the advances in technology in recent years, most legitimate agencies specializing in relationship/marriage with Russian women will offer some kind of real time video option, providing the customer with an extra level of protection and security. If the agency you are considering using does not offer this option as part of their list of services, you need to ask yourself why they don’t, and consider moving on in your search.

Finding the perfect match – whether online or at the local bar – requires work, commitment and time. In the world of Russian relationship/marriage agencies, it also requires caution and common sense. Everyone’s perfect match is out there somewhere, but there are also a lot of sharks circling in those particular waters. By taking a little extra time and making certain that the agency you choose can provide you with the tools you need to make an informed decision you can save yourself time, money, heartache – and move many steps closer to finding that special person to share your life with.

About the Author: Tim Zelmer is the Public Relations Manager for

,the largest marriage and dating services for men seeking relationships with

Russian women

on the internet. has developed innovative security and verification strategies to ensure that their site maintains 100% anti-scam activity.


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E Cigarettes Vs Tobacco Dependence Study

August, 2015 byadmin

Electronic cigarettes (often referred to as “e-cigs”) have become increasingly popular over the past few years, but relatively few electronic cigarette scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether or not e-cigarettes are likely to produce a lower level of physical dependency than traditional cigarettes. A recent study spearheaded by Dr. Jonathan Foulds, Professor of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine, has aimed to remedy this lack of publicly available scientific research by way of conducting an online survey of over 3,600 current and former smokers who now use e-cigarettes as an alternative nicotine delivery system. The study found that most current e-cigarette users actually feel “less addicted” to e-cigarettes than they did when using traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The survey indicated that although e-cigarette users may not have changed their overall amount of nicotine intake (24 tobacco cigarettes per day versus 24 e-cigarettes per day), they did experience a noticeable decrease in the amount of withdrawal symptoms that normally accompany smoking cessation, such as irritability and physical urges. Below are some other interesting data points that were mined from the study:

* E-cigarette users did not feel the need to vape right after they wake up in the morning, a sharp contrast to the typical early morning cigarette urge that most traditional tobacco users experience.

* Most e-cig users could now make it through an entire night without waking up in the middle of the night to satisfy a nicotine craving.

* Roughly two-thirds of the survey participants reported a major reduction in nicotine cravings once they switched to e-cigarettes.

* Only 25% of participants reported feeling any kind of anxiety, irritability or nervousness when they were not able to use their e-cigarette. This is a sharp contrast to the over 90% of traditional tobacco cigarette smokers who experienced these types of symptoms.

Although there has been quite a bit of speculation as to what exactly accounts for the difference in physical dependency symptoms between e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes, one of the most commonly accepted explanations is that e-cigarettes on average deliver less nicotine than traditional cigarettes. This is thought to help keep nicotine levels in users’ blood lower than what is typically experienced with tobacco cigarettes. The accessibility of e-cigarettes is also thought to be a factor; there is a certain amount of “craving buildup” that can happen when a person is not allowed to smoke in public facilities, which can sometimes lead to nicotine binges when they finally do get an opportunity to step outside and have a smoke. Since vaping is typically allowed in public places, users are better able to keep their nicotine cravings at bay.

Breathe Intelligent Cigarette provides the public with educational information regarding the Electronic Cigarette Industry. Please visit to learn more and to purchase electronic cigarette, vaping, and e-hookah products including wholesale distribution.

Key To Public Relations Using Press Releases

A public relations company is an organization which helps in bringing the public interests and demands into notice to the company. It is the mediator between the general public and the company which is selling its products. A public relation company helps in interacting with public regarding each and every requirement of the public and it makes sure that by bringing all the requirements asked by the public into notice to the company, their demands are met.

A public relations company not only works in favor of the public but also is of a great help to the company as well in fact, it is the public relations that helps in the effective marketing of a particular product by the company, we can say a public relation company play both positive and negative role. In positive sense it interacts with the public and gets to know what the people actually want and thus, it brings all the required Information , the demands and requirements of public to the company and thus, a company knows what to produce, how to produce and how much to produce, so therefore, the important factors like quantity and quality of the product is maintained and thus, the things manufactured and not in excess so it saves time and lot of resources and thus, it proves to be very beneficial in knowing the demands of the public. And on the other hand a public relation company can play a negative role on the part of the public.


As a PR company knows what the public want in the product, and what quality are they expecting and they know all their requirements so they market the product in such a way that it may be not that effective but still they advertise using press release in such a way that it highlights all the good qualities of the product and the public is told exactly what they want to hear and thus, a product is sold in large quantities making it a big benefit to the company. Therefore a public relations company no doubt is very important for every organization specially those organization which cannot interact with the public themselves and get to know their requirements, but their proper functioning is also vital if a public relation company uses the press release in a wrong way there is no use of the public relations company in any organization, as it will make good profit for the organizations but it is of no use to common people or general public who wants to get their thoughts needs, and demands to be bought into notice to the organization so that they could good quality products.

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This article is written by Simran Joshi about of Value 360 – Leading PR Agency in Delhi which provides best public relations services like: Digital Media Promotion, Investor and Analyst Relationship, Crisis Communications, Integrated Marketing, Strategic Counsel and Public Relations ManagementAuthor: Simran Joshi