Profitable Sources Of Investment

Profitable sources of investment


Monica Swaroop

One of the most prevalent sources of investment includes various financial schemes such as fix deposits, mutual funds, and share markets. Various financial organizations may include the private and government financial schemes. Although investments in government banks offer less interests on deposits but they offer a more reliable and stable growth of your money as compared to the private financial institutions. Moreover, after the phase of recession the people are finding it very difficult to trust the private banks to invest money because some of the banks were badly hit during the recession phase and some were ruined completely. Always consult a reliable financial agent before investing your money in a scheme.

The next most preferred way of investment is the purchase of Gold. Gold is the most widespread investment source. The best part is that you only need money to buy it. Even an illiterate person can go ahead to save money in the form of gold. Other advantage is that it can be sold and purchased in any part of the world. It is equally recognized by the other countries of the world. Gold is the oldest investment source on the earth.


Now a days Property investment is considered to be the most profitable investment source in India. This is because of the booming realty market in India. Besides providing a shelter, a house can be used to earn brilliant profits.

The Gurgaon realty market is offering a great opportunity of investment. Gurgaon housing has a huge range to select from for investment. There are many new residential projects coming up in the city which are profitable for investors to buy.

Property investments can give you assured profits if you have invested in a strategic location. Whether residential or commercial a property investment is growing very fast in all the leading Indian cities. Housing in Gurgaon can be a very lucrative option. Rental properties are a good source of investment.

Monica Swaroop writes on behalf of which is a Gurgaon based organization with a motto to make Real Estate Industry of India efficient and user friendly. We also writes on

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Small Business Marketing Tip: Conduct A Marketing Crusade

By George Dodge

Let me ask you a question. The answer is to the question is critical to your business success.

Do you fully understand the real nature of the business you are in?

Your instant response is of course, I’m in the [put your industry name here] business. For example, you probably said, of course, I’m in the real estate business, or the plumbing business, or the printing business, etc.

But that is only partly correct if you are the owner of the business. As the business owner, the real nature of your business is marketing the business you are in.

You may have the greatest service or the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it, you will soon be out of business.

One method of increasing the exposure of your business to your potential customers, is to conduct a marketing crusade.


You can compare this marketing approach to a missionarys work or the launching of a crusade because only the fervor and the determination of a missionary or crusader will assure your marketing success.

Missionaries are driven by more than just their desire to sell someone on buying their product or service. Rather, a missionarys goal is to convert the world to their way of thinking, their mission and their crusade. Only through such a conversion process can you expect to receive not just a customer, but customers for life.

When your business launches a marketing mission, it takes a different approach than traditional marketing.

Traditional approaches are taken and set aside in favor of our missionary or crusaders goal. In a traditional marketing effort, the real motivation for most marketing activity is just to make money. Thats nice to do, but thats not all we need.

Every marketing effort, at this point, is tied directly back to its contribution to money coming in.

Now, as a missionary, your business goal becomes an effort to win your customers lifetime business and loyalty. If your business marketing activity is successful in changing the way your customers think about your business or products or services in such a way that the customer sees you as a vehicle to accomplish their goal and growth, then your goals and your growth will be a natural result.

As your business manages its sales growth properly, increased profit is going to follow. Immediate profits are nowhere near as important as long-term profits. To insure that youre going to continue to profit for the long-term, your real objective is to convert your prospect into a customer who shares your vision of what youre trying to accomplish and is a true believer.

Vision is a problem with the normal sales approach. There is no vision other than the short-term, which is to make the immediate sale. There is little or no real focus on back-end selling and the life time value of a customer, which well talk more about later on.

What is your vision?

Is your business focused on an area of interest to your customers, prospects or clients?

Are you driven fervently by the need to help them or yourself?

Why should others patronize your business rather than any other business? Or not do anything at all?

What can you do that will not only cause your customers to return again and again, but cause them to tell others to buy your products and services as well?

Can you take that vision and incorporate it with a main sales and marketing thrust, advantage or Unique Selling Proposition and use that for an advantage over your competitors?

A good marketing crusade will integrate all this together and soon have customers coming to you as a result of what Dan Kennedy calls a Magnetic Marketing System. If you were Jiffy Lube, you might call it a well oiled marketing machine.

About the Author: George Dodge is host of Dan Kennedy’s

Magnetic Marketing System

where you can discover more than one great

marketing idea for small business

and get a FREE Dan Kennedy Audio CD.


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Export Tax Rebate Policy Adjustment In China Prices Higher

By Lanbo Jiang

From July 1, the country introduced a new export tax rebate policy, the policy reduced the profit margin is part of the export enterprises in doing everything possible to resolve the losses, a more intense the strong survive, survival of the fittest in the market competition inevitable.

Policy of export profits of enterprises moving cheese

The export tax rebate policy adjustment related to 2831 products, accounting for all goods in the Customs Tariff of 37% of the total. Foshan City in Guangdong, an anonymous official told ceramics enterprises: “Ceramics of the export tax rebate rate to 5%, which means that enterprises export 40 million yuan a month there is no profit of 3.2 million yuan a! “policy changes in the business of export profits of the cheese.To encourage enterprises to export more, China export tax rebate policy for over 20 years, means that the state has been the departure of export goods declaration, pre export production and circulation in all sectors of the domestic value added tax already paid tax and other indirect taxes or consumption taxes , returned to the exporters. Many foreign trade enterprises in China’s main profits come from the Government’s annual tax refund.The main thrust of the export tax rebate policy adjustment is to reduce trade surplus, a considerable number of export enterprises for the means to directly reduce profits. It is reported that many export enterprises in time for the policy “weaned” prior to overtime goods, grab the relevant export, led to a sharp rise in trade surplus in May this year.

China’s huge trade surplus with the textile industry is a major creator of the textile industry in China’s trade surplus last year reached 129.2 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 71% of the total trade surplus. Therefore, the export tax rebate policy adjustment, the textile industry bear the brunt.Since the export tax rebate policy has announced that Wang Yong, deputy general manager of Guangdong Silk Corporation immediately force the cost of personnel, re calculation of the order. “July 1 to sign orders, in accordance with the original tax rate to calculate the costs, tax rates are lowered further, has signed orders on July 1 after exports will directly result in minimum loss of several hundred million yuan.” Yong force “The more severe is the single received this year will mainly depend on price increases to absorb losses due to changes in the profit tax, the customer will be lost if not to accept a certain market share, annual export situation is not optimistic.”

According to professional estimates, the export tax rebate rate declined one percentage point each, the textile industry’s operating profit would fall about 4%. The clothing, shoes, hats, etc. to adjust export tax rebate rate from 13% to 11% from 11% viscose adjusted to 5%. Last year the national textile industry, the average profit of only 3%. Not only is the textile industry, chemicals, paper, furniture, steel, cement and other industries are included in the scope of this adjustment will more or less, sooner or later feel the pain caused by this decrease in profit.Learned that many companies have in the brewing industry, price increases, some advance was started in May raised the price.


Adjustment for potential release of the signal moving companies

Policy variable transmission with national industrial policies and a strong signal. First, restrictions on high energy consumption, high pollution, resource commodity exports, 553 of such goods the export tax rebate policy has been canceled; first to minimize trade friction, enhance product value added, 2268 the export tax rebate rate for such goods further reduced.Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Professor of International Economic and Trade Xiao Harrier fly analysis pointed out that countries use export tax rebate policy to adjust the export structure and the promotion of industrial integration will become a trend. Shaw Harrier fly that low that their technical content, products strong alternative to low cost form of exports, driven by expansion means to enhance the performance of growth model has been difficult to sustain, enhance the technological content of products and enterprise grade, take the meaning type growth path of transformation is imminent.

At the same time, the export tax rebate cut will accelerate the industry reshuffle, through survival of the fittest, dominant enterprises will be more bigger and stronger. Advantage of the industry should take the opportunity to increase business value added export products, change the export model.As for steel, cement and other industries continued to decline in the export tax rebate rate, abolition of tariffs and even increase the macro policy guidelines, these industry leading enterprise restructuring should be accelerated to speed up the pace of product renewal, tap the domestic market potential, improve the industrial chain, to find the motivation and means of sustainable development.

Leather clear trend of export prices up

From July 1, China’s export tax rebate leather products to be canceled. At the same time, labor costs this year due to rising raw material prices, appreciation of the yuan and other factors, experts predict the trend of Chinese leather goods export prices rise significantly.According to latest Chinese customs statistics, in January 2007 to April, China’s major commodity exports of leather industry amounted to 7.12 billion U.S. dollars, up 5.8%, with the exception of leather clothing, fur clothing, foot basket volleyball, semi finished leather, finished leather down , the other main commodities increased in varying degrees over the previous year; while the export volume terms, in addition to raw hides, footwear components and the like, leather and shoemaking machinery growth, other major commodities were decreased.

Export value growth, exports decline, it is clear that in January to April, China’s leather export unit price has quietly increased. Specific to higher exports of leather gloves, for example, in January to April, China exported 230 million pairs, down 2.3%, export value of 230 million U.S. dollars, up 3.3%.According to the China Leather Association, introduced the Secretary General Su Chaoying, before the import and export of leather as the “processing trade”, the import of raw materials is not taxed, nor export tax rebates, there is no tariff burden on enterprises. But last year, this preferential policy on processing trade abolished, import and export of leather began to pay taxes according to the normal trade rates. For example, semi finished leather hides required to pay 5% 14% tariff and 17% of the value added tax, thus increasing the cost of leather exports.

“This year’s labor shortage downtown Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta flood of migrant workers flock to the area, a corresponding increase in labor costs, coupled with imports of raw hides and related products, raw material prices, the current company average price ladies pack up about 30%.” Guangzhou Rui Cippi a company Ms. troops.Information Office of China Leather Association Yexiang Ju said that because the state social security requirements are stringent, corporate labor prices is inevitable. “China is the largest producer of leather products, raw material demand for the domestic self’s not enough, especially in high end most of the variety to be imported. Leather imported from China in recent years has been rising raw material costs, coupled with appreciation of the renminbi, the transport costs continue to increase export tax rebate policy adjustment and other factors, leather goods exporters export price increases entirely to be expected. “

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