Best Way To Make Money Online In 2020

We are now 2 months into the new year 2020. Already, we have crisis, one after another, ranging from the Iran-US crisis to Australian bush fires. Now, we even have the latest Covid-19 coronavirus, which God knows, how long it will last. So, what is the best way to make money online in 2020.

Today, I am going to reveal to you a new system recently developed by an expert marketer. I believe this would be the number one way to make money online in 2020.

Why is Affiliate Marketing Best Way to Make Money Online in 2020

Affiliate Marketing is still one of the best way to make money online. It can be done at minimal cost and is easily scalable. You can market innumerable products at any time, just by sending emails to your list of loyal followers.

Greatest challenge Faced by Affiliate Marketers

However, the greatest challenge in affiliate marketing has always been in building a list of loyal followers. This takes a lot of time and money.

Affiliate Marketing is the model whereby you will make commisions when potential customers buys the products that you recommend, by cllicking your dedicated affiliate link. However, a lot of customers only buy after a few exposures to the offer. We must, therefore, have a means to continue communicating with the customer. This then, is where your email list comes in handy.

To build up a list of 1000 email subscribers from scratch would take you at least a month. You will need at least a month, provided that you are consistently working on promoting your opt-in page.

Firstly, you would need to get your website up and running. Secondly, you would need build a solid opt-in page (landing page). Thirdly, you would need to set up an email autoresponder account and link it to your opt-in page. This is so that whenever, anyone enters their email address, it would be captured in your autoresponder email list. You can then use these for further communications with them.

Last but not least, you would need to write and post articles on articles directories, facebook, blog post and whatever medium you can to promote your opt-in page.

However, once you have built your list of loyal followers, you can email to them whenever you have tried and reviewed any new product that has come onto the market.

You would need to build a list of about 5000 subscribers to have a good income from affiliate marketing.

The Amazingly Simple System to Make Money Online in 2020

Which is why this new system is so revolutionary. You can build up your list so rapidly that you can capitalise on it and start making affiliate commissions very quickly.

This expert marketer even gives you a copy of his website that does it so effortlessly.

Therefore, you don’t need to do anything, just copy his website and system and you are set on your way to building a list fast and profiting from it immediately.

So,grab his systemto start a profitable 2020 now.

Embracing Payments As A Platform For The Future Of Mobile Money

Most recently, Apple Pay service was launched in Europe for the first time. Only eminent bank MasterCard holders have this option so far, but soon the option became available to most users. A similar service was available for some users of the Android system. At the same time, the security of such services, and indeed the principle of electronic payments, still raises concerns – we have studied the history and current state of things in this area.

The basis of the work of payment applications from mobile manufacturers was started with NFC (Near Field Communication) system. It is it that is used in cards with a contactless payment method – when you simply bring your card to the payment terminal without using a chip or magnetic strip – and that is what it is in the latest versions of smartphones. In MasterCard cards, this technology is called PayPass, in Visa cards – payWave.

The principle of operation of the Apple Pay service and its analogues: “copying” a user’s card to the phone’s memory, after which it is possible to make payments using NFC, but without using a card, as his phone now acts as a physical identifier for the client.

The main harbinger of the era of digital payments can be considered PayPal as a mobile money solution. Using this service, the user could create a virtual wallet and send money to other wallets or pay with it in online stores. Now it was not necessary to go to a bank branch to send money for many kilometers, and a wide variety of purchases could be made without leaving home in a couple of clicks.

Now that the functions of instant payment or money transfer are built into almost every second application on a mobile device, it doesn’t seem like an accomplishment, but PayPal made a real revolution in the early 2000s that helped in mobile financial solutions. However, PayPal has regularly become a source of vulnerability news throughout its history. As a result of using one of the last For example, you can bypass two-factor authorization and access your account in minutes.

Now the most common type of electronic payments is payments using bank payment cards. Due to the convenience, payment cards crowd out cash, but remain very vulnerable to cybercriminals. Despite the existence of the Swift interbank settlement system, there are still many places where user data (and, accordingly, their money) can be compromised.

The security issue concerns not only the cardholder who pays for goods in the online store, but also the online store, the acquirer, and the issuer, and most of all – payment systems that invest huge amounts of money to ensure secure payments and protect against fraud.Numerous attempts by international payment systems to make payments in the field of electronic commerce as safe as possible led to the emergence of the 3-D Secure protocol developed by Visa International.

3-D Secure technology is a cardholder authentication digital payment solution when making purchases on the Internet, designed to ensure the security of Internet payments: identity verification is carried out online.

3-D Secure technology is implemented on the basis of three domains (which is inherent in its name), in which the transaction life cycle begins and ends. This is the issuer’s domain in which the holder is authenticated, the acquirer’s domain, which includes the acquirer bank and the online store, and, finally, the interaction domain, which contains the services and services of the payment system.

The 3-D Secure security chain consists of links such as:

  • verification of the identity of the cardholder in real time, which begins after entering the card number on the payment page of the electronic store, from where the buyer is redirected to the server of his issuing bank. For verification, a password is used that is known only to the cardholder and the bank
  • – formation by the issuing bank based on the results of the verification of the response message that the issuing bank protects against unauthorized changes using a digital signature;
  • – protection of user’s confidential information, for example, card number, which uses secure pages of the payment server on which the entered information is stored. The payee – an electronic store – does not have access to this information, which protects against its theft.

Note that if a fraudulent transaction has passed through an online store that uses 3-D Secure digital money transfer software, the issuer will be liable for it, according to the rules of payment systems, and it does not matter if the issuer uses 3-D Secure or not.

Thus, digital payment trend not only ensures the safe conduct of the payment, but also delimits the risks of the participants of the transaction due to a clear separation of functions when processing the payment transaction: the issuing bank verifies the identity of the card holder, since it is he who has information about the client, and the acquirer automatically organizes communication with the issuer’s authentication system using the services of payment systems.

What Is The Difference Between The Transfer And Remittance Of Money?

In the money transfer business, Transfer means sending the money from one account to another, it can be national or International. While remittance of money is a term used nowadays to describe the money that is transferred by a person working abroad to his family or dear once at his/her home nation.

Money Transfer

Money transfer business refers to sending money from one account to another account. Despite of the fact that there are various methods of money transfer; Migrants and labours from within the country generally uses DMT (Domestic Money Transfer) to transfer the money domestically to their families as they do not have access to the formal banking system for proof of the residency or identity. This is a cash to bank transfer facility available for walk in customers (Not holding a bank account or are not convenient to use the online money transfer methods). This money transfer business surely enables them to send money to their loved ones.

How does a money transfer services franchise work?

Here the person gives cash to the money transfer agency and then the money transfer distributor transfers the money into the account of the recipient. These agents can be any shopkeeper who have direct contact with labourers and offer the service in exchange of commission provide to them by the companies whose money transfer services franchise the shopkeeper has paid for.

How to avail DMT Facility?

Visit any Domestic money transfer agency (Retailer, shopkeeper, tea stall etc. who are money transfer distributor) hand over your cash and the bank details of person, you wish to transfer your money to. The agent will immediately transfer the money to recipient’s account, and earn a handsome commission in the process.

Remittance of money

Most remittance of money is made by workers in foreign countries to their families living in home-country. Remittance have comparatively a large role in the developing nation as compared to developed nation. Worker’s remittance of money is a significant part of international capital flow, especially with regard to labour exporting countries. India is one of the labour exporting countries that ranks on top as receiver of remittances, claiming more than 12% of the world’s remittance.

Working of Remittance.

Let’s assume that one wants to send money from Canada to India. Here the person needs to pre-fund his bank account with significant money that he needs to send.

Once money reaches India. The person needs to contact to contact their local branch or the treasury department to obtain the Euro to India currency as per the conversion rate.

Money Transfer

Remittance of money


Transfer of money to any account (Domestic or International).

Transfer of money from abroad to home-country.

DMT is one of the most popular mode of transferring.

Wire transfer is a popular mode of transferring.

DMT is a cash to bank transfer.

Wire transfer is a bank to bank transfer.

DMT is generally used by the migrant labours or labours who do not have access to bank account or are not comfortable using banking facilities.

This is generally done by labour working in abroad to send money to family in their home-country.

The Tips And Tricks To Save Money While Getting Inward Remittance

Nowadays, everyone is eager to earn money from the comfort of the home. There are many ways and means to earn money easily if you are well-versed in one of the technologies. The writing, video marketing and digital marketing has been proved to be a boon for the people. The people have been receiving handsome amount money with far-less effort and time from the comfort of their home and computer. For many 9 to 5 jobs have been completely obsolete.

If you know some of the technology like website development, design and development then earning some bucks at home can be extremely easy. Writing has a plethora of opportunities in the overseas market. You can search on the Google as to the new technology by which the freelancer gets money. Some of the new comers in the field of freelancing face some problem in the beginning to receive money and even they don’t know as to how to save money from inward remittance.

We will guide you as to how to save money if someonesend money to India from Australia or from any other countries of the world.

Understanding the exchange rate

If you are a new comer, you may not know as to the exchange rate. Before receiving money you should check the exchange rate on the internet. There are various portals that offers free checking of currency exchange rate. The portal is highly popular for the checking exchange rate of any countries in the world. If you know the exchange rate, then there is a possibility that no one can cheat you while getting money.

Finding the difference

You should not believe always on the as it offers only mid-market rate. Sometimes the bank may offer you the best rate than

Getting money by PayPal

Though PayPal is one of the best ways to remit money and receive money from across the world, it is expensive once it reaches your account. You will be surprised that even you lost almost 7% of the money after receiving money in your account.

Getting money by Western Union

The western union is one of the traditional companies in the world that helps getting money from the international market. Your client maytransfer money to Sri Lanka or my remit it to Singapore Western Union does it very well. If you have demanded 100 USD, then you don’t need to pay extra charges. Your client is likely to bear all.

Receiving money by Wire transfer

Wire transfer is synonymous to bank transfer. It is a kind of electronic money transfer that remits money from one country to another country between 24 hours to 72 hours.

There are many other ways to receive money from the international market as a freelancer. However, you need to check which country is giving you more money. You may get more money for clients in the USA than Singapore since US dollar is more valuable than Singapore. Basically, you can get more money if you work for the clients in Europe, North America and Australia as well. Getting clients from USA, UK, Canada and Australia is easier than other countries.