Cosmetic Surgery Is It For Me}

Cosmetic Surgery Is It For Me



To answer your question and go straight to the point, cosmetic surgery is for everyone who earns a decent salary at the end of the month. Cosmetic surgery is extremely affordable in contemporary times and millions of people all over the world are opting for cosmetic surgery in large numbers. And the figures are rising every year and the cosmetic surgeons are all laughing to the bank.

As you know, the desire to look beautiful is universal and throughout the ages, men and women have worshipped at the altar of beauty.

We all know of the celebrated beauty Cleopatra who could wrap men round her little finger and reduce emperors and statesmen into playthings. Hollywood stars have always been regarded as demi gods and demi goddesses because of their ravishing beauty. Needless to say, both men and women wish to look beautiful or handsome or pretty.

The problem is that not every one is born with drop dead gorgeous killer looks. And always piling on layers and layers of make up isnt the solution to improving your looks dramatically. Make up can enhance features, definitely and make you look more attractive than you are, but there are certain flaws which cannot be hidden through make up.

It is in these cases, that people have to take recourse to cosmetic surgery com. For e.g. if you possess a very beautiful face, but your lips are not that attractive, you can go in for lip augmentation surgery which will make your lips look just like Angelina Jolies eminently kissable bee stung lips.

Or if you have gone through multiple pregnancies or childbirths, or are ageing and have lost a lot of breast mass which has resulted in shrunken boobs or if your breasts have lost shape and have sagged because of excessive and sudden weight loss, you can opt for breast augmentation and uplifting surgery.

Men and women who have aged and look haggard and tired because of the wrinkles and lines on their face can go in for different kinds of face lift surgery which will impart a younger looking youthful visage.

Those who possess beautiful eyes can look enchantingly seductive after a brow lift surgery or eye lid surgery. To get rid of body fat and cellulite instantly, you can take the help of liposuction. To possess washboard abs, what can be better than tummy tuck? In fact, if you notice, many Hollywood stars and pop singers owe their beautifully sculpted figures or physiques to cosmetic surgery com.

Body contouring, hair transplant, nose job or rhinoplasty are some of the more popular cosmetic surgeries opted for by people.

You can rectify your crooked nose through rhinoplasty, if your ear has been disfigured or if you dont like the shape of your ear, you can choose otoplasty. The options for cosmetic surgery com are limitless and it is just a matter of choice as to which one you want to go in for.

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Cosmetic Surgery Is It For Me }

Retrograde Or Backwards Ejaculation A Rare Complication Of Diabetes.

Retrograde or backwards ejaculation – a rare complication of diabetes.


Dr Andrew Rynne.

Retrograde Ejaculation.


Retrograde Ejaculation or ejaculating backwards or Dry Ejaculation may be defined as the persistent inability to ejaculate forwards through the penis as is normal and to instead ejaculate backwards and into the urinary bladder.

Normally, just at the point of ejaculating, the muscular valve at the base on the bladder automatically snaps closed preventing the semen from moving backwards into the bladder and propelling it forwards instead. When there is retrograde ejaculation this mechanism fails to function properly allowing the ejaculate to take the line of least resistance and move backwards into the bladder.

Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation: Anything that interferes with the closing of the valve at the bladder neck at the point of ejaculation will cause Retrograde Ejaculation. In the main there may be surgical or medical factors at play in this situation.

Surgery to the prostate gland and its nerve supply such as TURP, prostatectomy or bladder surgery, may cause retrograde ejaculation.

Medical conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury can interfere with the nerve supply to the bladder neck and cause Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Climax.

Certain medications used to treat high blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause this condition as indeed can certain anti-depressants like those in the MAOI and SSRI group of antidepressants.

Retrograde Ejaculation does not of itself cause too much of a problem. Ejaculation can usually be felt as pleasurable and the semen can later be flushed from the bladder during normal urination with ease. Where retrograde ejaculation can cause considerably difficulty is in the area of fertility and reproduction. Today however, by using trans-rectal electro-stimulation of the prostate grand, healthy sperm can be retrieved for later use in AI and ICSI procedures.

I am an Irish medical doctor specialising in helping men and women Online to cure their Sexual Dysfunction. Please visit me on and ask me any question you want to. It is free. Or you can Live Chat me, also at no charge, during designated hours. I would be delighted to help you.

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Retrograde or backwards ejaculation – a rare complication of diabetes.

Popular Hawaii Plastic Surgeries: Facial Cheek Implants}

Popular Hawaii Plastic Surgeries: Facial Cheek Implants


Shirley Rizzo.

Whether you want to create symmetry in your face, or perhaps recover from the signs of aging, many people are considering undergoing the Hawaii plastic surgery procedure of facial implants. Growing in prevalence, cheek implants help restore the youthful quality to your cheeks, and they make flat cheekbones look fuller again. Or, those who have never been happy with the appearance of their cheekbones would appreciate what this type of Hawaii plastic surgeries could do for their facial appearance.

Cheek implants (submalar/malar augmentation), also sometimes referred to as cheek augmentation, is a form of Hawaii plastic surgeries that can bring contour and balance to the entire face of a patient. Indeed, cheeks play a tremendous role in creating the overall look and appearance of our face.

Cheekbones play a big role in defining the look of the face. For example, cheekbones that are flat can cause a nose that is big to look even bigger, and they can make a receding chin appear that much smaller. Cheekbones also serve to give balance to the face and to bring attention to the eyes.

By making modifications to the bones of the face, facial harmony can be achieved, thus giving the Hawaii plastic surgeries patient a more balanced and beautiful look. It is not uncommon for a patient to have two Hawaii plastic surgeries at the same time: cheek implants in conjunction with rhinoplasty (also known as a nose job).


Who is a good candidate for Hawaii plastic surgeries cheek implants?

A person who is considering having any type of Hawaii plastic surgeries, whether it is cheek implants or another form of surgery, must be in top notch physical and emotional health. The person must not have any pre-existing medical conditions to speak of, and they must not be suffering from any type of disease.

Who gets this form of Hawaii plastic surgeries?

The individuals who most often desire cheek implants via Hawaii plastic surgeries are those who have cheekbone structures that are underdeveloped. It is also common for those who have lost the padding of healthy fat and the soft tissue that make up strong cheekbones to want to restore their youthful look. The loss of the appearance of defined cheekbones most often happens naturally due to the aging process.

As time passes, the tissues and the fats in the cheekbones lessen. This causes the skin to sag, and then gives the appearance of flat and/or sunken in cheekbones. The lack of tissues making up the cheekbones can lead to wrinkles and folds developing around the mouth. Female patients of Hawaii plastic surgeries often want to have the sagging skin of their cheekbones repositioned in an upward direction. They also routinely want to create an outwardly direction, filling in the depressions and hollows of their cheekbones. This can create a more youthful and vibrant appearance for any patient.

The cheek implant through Hawaii plastic surgeries is often thought of as a type of scaffolding that serves to hold up tissues inside the cheekbones that have collapsed and sunken in, potentially by gravity and the hands of time.

It is essential during your consultation with the Hawaii plastic surgeon that you divulge your complete medical history and tell him whether or not you have ever had any other Hawaii plastic surgeries. The more information he has to add to your chart, the better prepared he will be to perform your surgery. If you have experienced dental problems in the past, this is also pertinent information for him to know.

Whether you want to rejuvenate your face structures youthful appearance, or perhaps give your natural cheeks greater definition, obtaining Hawaii plastic surgeries in the form of cheek and facial implants can give you the beautiful look you deserve.

Learn more about the advanced face lift procedures performed by the leading

Honolulu plastic surgeon

, Dr. Rizzo, who has decades of trail-blazing expertise in

Hawaii plastic surgeries


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Popular Hawaii Plastic Surgeries: Facial Cheek Implants}