Forex Trading Tips 6 Golden Rules To Keep Your Sanity When Trading Forex

1. Check the economic calendar before you start your trading sessionImagine spending half of your day to find some forex trading signalsthat are going to turn into nice profit. You jump in and the next thingyou know your investment is going into the tank for no apparent reason.Then you found out that there were some announcements that you were notaware of going against your trades. Making this forex strategy aregular part of your routine will help you avoid this pratfall. Awebsite that you can refer to every day is ForexFactory.2. Get away from your computerA lot of home traders fall into the trap of all but becoming a hermit.When you are not trading, get an activity by hanging out with yourbuddies or do something more relaxing. You just know that you need getout of this environment and get your head cleared before deciding onyour forex trading strategies.3. Surf the internet and going to forumsIf you are trading at home, you more than likely don’t have anyone tobounce idea’s off of or to even discuss what is going on. Joining apublic forum on currency trading will address both of those issues.When the market slows down, pop in and see what everyone is talkingabout and you will find it to be a pleasant distraction. You may findsome interesting forex indicators in the forum that could fascinate youfor a while, or you can even search for some forex reviews for theproduct people are selling.4. Trading is not only depending on brain, get healthy!Although it may sound funny to you, but it is a forex trading tip thathas merit all by itself. You have to keep both your mind and bodyhealthy in order to concentrate. The occupation itself is verysedentary. You are sitting at a desk and staring at a computer all day,so give yourself a good sweat every day and you will be much sharper atyour trading.5. Make a great trade, treat yourself to a breakYou will soon realize that you are always under the gun when you aretrading and you are going to have to ease up at times to keep thatintensity level up. If you have a successful trade or possibly avoidedwhat could have been a major loss, give yourself a quick 15 minutebreak so you can recharge and keep that focus. Nobody can maintain thatstressful level all day, never try to be superman.6. Diversify your moneyDiversification is also one of the forex trading techniques that youmay want to implement. You may want buy some regular stocks or get someinvestment properties and put your money to work for you. That ispassive income.The above forex trading tips may help you to distress, but rememberthat it still depends on whether you have the discipline to follow yourvery own forex trading system. If you can, you will have the confidenceto trade without much worries.


Forex Trading Secrets

Submitted by: Jacob Coroner

Forex trading has been in existence since the 1870’s when the first gold standard monetary system was set up. This was basically a system devised when each country placed a value on a portion of their currency against an ounce of gold. It is one of the more lucrative forms of trading as the possibilities are high for making an excellent profit.

However, this won’t happen if you just jump into Forex trading blind. Look on the internet and you will find many people willing to sell you Forex trading secrets to ensure a highly profitable way of life. Unfortunately, there are no real secrets to this type of trading. If there were, nobody would be selling them, just using them to make themselves even richer.

The only secrets to Forex trading are best practice tips, common sense tips that should be studied and followed to ensure you at least stand a chance of making a profit, instead of throwing your money down the drain. Any type of trading comes with risks attached and Forex trading is no different.


The first secret is to know your market. Study the currency markets, watch their trends and make it your business to know everything you possibly can about the trade. Doing this will give you some idea of how the markets work and what sort of situations cause up and down turns in the market. Once you know this you can start to work out how to trade successfully.

Emotional control is another secret in Forex trading. You must have it, because without it you will make the wrong decisions and will end bankrupting your Forex trading account very quickly. There are 2 emotions that play a big part; fear and greed.

Fear is a common emotion for new traders. Fear of losing money can make you make the wrong decision. Fear can make you pull out of a trade early in case it suddenly turns, when in actual fact, if you have done your homework you will know if this is what is going to happen. Fear can also make you hold onto a trade that is poor in the hope that it will turn around. Instead of eliminating any loss you end up increasing it.

Greed is the opposite. It makes you continue to trade on a currency pair that is strong and ignore the indicators that tell you when the market is about to turn around. This can lead to a massive loss of profit, depending on how badly the market turns and the currency pair is affected.

One of the biggest secrets to Forex trading is to start small and make sure you trade with the market trend and not against it. Banks, governments and financial institutions are largely responsible for the movement in a currency market and trading against a trend will lose you money without a doubt. Never guess the way a market is going to go, you don’t need to with Forex trading. Homework and study will teach you the best way to follow a trend and trade with it, ensuring profit instead of loss.

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Forex Trading Secrets

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Understanding The Currency Futures Market

By Robert MacGuffie

The currencies futures market is also known as the foreign exchange market as well as the FX market and the forex market. The modern currency futures market was formed in the early 1970’s and is over thirty years old. The forex market is not based on any investing in any one business or company stock, but in the trading and selling of currencies. Trading the discrepancies in value that occur between two or more nations with different currencies is at the heart of this market.

The daily turnover in the forex market is estimated at $3.98 trillion. This amount is much higher than the money traded daily on the stock market of any one country. When you trade in the forex market you are involved in a worldwide enterprise that involves governments and banks as well as speculators and hedge fund managers.

What is bought and sold on in the currency futures market can be easily liquidated. In the global forex market there are large numbers of buyers and sellers who are willing to trade a particular position and your investment can be turned into cash fairly quickly. A large, global trading volume, high liquidity and 24 hour trading access help to make the FX market extremely popular.

The currency futures market is divided into levels of accessibility. The top tier is known as the interbank market, which is made up of the biggest commercial banks and financial institutions. This top position represents over 50% of the FX market. At this level the spreads between the bids and ask prices are very precise and the divergences are not shared with the investors in the lower tiers.


The various levels of access are determined by the amount of money a particular institution or trader is willing to invest. If a brokerage is trading in large sums they can request a small differential between the bid and ask price. Hedge funds, smaller banks, large multi-national corporations, insurance companies and pension funds make up the lower tiers in a hierarchy that ultimately includes individual investors from the general public.

Again, to highlight the benefits of forex trading remember that:

Forex Trading Is A Global Enterprise and that the currency futures market has global reach

The FX has high liquidity because its trading volume reflects the largest asset class in the world.

The fluctuation in exchange rates offer innumerable profit opportunities.

Low margin requirements increase leverage while helping to decreasing risk.

There are a variety of instruments to control risk exposure.

There are many options for zero commission trading.

While trading in the currency futures market does involve risk, there are a number of strategies that can help an individual protect his or her investment. It is recommended that you work with a broker that not only offers superior trading tools, but gives you a lot of personal attention and support. Some trading platforms provide forums where trader and analyists can share information and compare notes. Take the opportunity to get to know your fellow risk-takers and profit from their experience and expertise.

About the Author: Robert MacGuffie is webmaster at

Currency Futures Market


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