7 Natural Ways To Reverse Low Platelet Count

By Laura H Jean

Sometimes a solution to a problem can be so simple and yet we overlook it. Did you know that 20% of emergency auto tows to a service shop are just out of fuel? Sometimes a low platelet count can be caused by some of the simplest of things. Simple problems require simple solutions, but if we can’t see the answer the problem becomes huge. Yes low platelet count can be so frustrating that it drives the simplest of solutions out of the ballpark of a common sense approach.

Here are 7 natural steps that could help you reverse low platelet count if in fact any one or a combination of them is what is triggering or over stimulating your immune system to destroy platelets.

1. Take a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement. Most of the things we like to eat are not really any good for us or at least deficient when it comes to food value. Crops today because they are genetically enhanced to give high yields have lower actual food value per unit. Current wheat for example has only 40% of the nutritional value of wheat grown in the 30’s. Processed foods have lost much of their food value and contain questionable chemicals as preservatives. It is easy this day and age to be deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals.

2. Drink and bathe in pure water. This may seem like a non issue but much of our public water supplies contain chorines and fluorides and these can effect our immune system in harmful ways. This is also true with bottled water. Check labels, most are just bottled from the same public water supplies plus the plastic bottle itself could be a contaminate.


3. Eliminate or at least limit exposure to toxic house hold cleaning products, pesticides and other chemicals. Use natural cleaning products and no pesticides in the home or garden. Wash all fruits and vegetables completely before consumption.

4. Get the bad fats out of your life. Eliminate as much animal and saturated fats as possible. Increase omega 3 fats if possible. This will assist proper bodily function and remove stress from the immune system.

5. Eliminate all toxic skin care products and use only natural products. Be sure to use make ups on a limited basis if at all.

6.Consume a natural diet of raw fruits and vegetables. No processed food or fast food restaurants. This is a tough one but the important thing is to start today and work towards the goal of total elimination over time. This is really a change of eating habits and takes time.

7. Find a good alternative health provider. One who is familiar with new techniques such as Bio tracker technology and DNA testing to identify possible sensitivities (allergies etc.) that can be contributing to low platelet count. Also hair analysis for possible heavy metal exposures.

These 7 steps are a simple start an may well reverse your low platelet count. You will also want to start learning about the benefits of using herbs and other natural supplements to repair and restore healthy immune function. Good health to you.

About the Author: Laura Jean has discovered that you can reverse


naturally using proven techniques ignored by most doctors and the medical community. ***FREE DOWNLOAD*** End


minus the harmful side effects from prescription drugs.



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