The Importance Of Having Healthy Skin

Submitted by: Valerie Rosenbaum

The importance of having healthy skin has to do with protecting the internal organs and tissues from disease and damage. Here s a look at the skin s many functions.

It prevents bacteria, viruses and other illness-causing pathogens from entering our bodies. Without it, we would all die quickly from infection. If the skin s health is compromised by neglect or abuse, pathogens can enter through cracks, breaks or tears.

The outer layers serve to turn UV radiation into harmless heat, which protects the deeper layers from damaging free radicals. The skin s ability to protect against UV is not unlimited. That is why we need the extra protection of clothing and should take additional precautions when in the sun.

A significant number of free radicals can be neutralized by the antioxidants present in the epidermis. But if sun exposure continues, the skin s antioxidant content can become depleted.

Almost all of our sensory receptors are located in the skin. We sense harmful things because of those receptors and are able to avoid fire and other heat sources or ice and other sources of intense cold. We are aware of pain and pressure before it becomes strong enough to break our bones or crush our internal organs.


The importance of having healthy skin has to do with regulating body temperature and disposing of waste. The sweat glands are located within the skin s deepest layers and are connected to the pores. Perspiration is the main cooling mechanism of humans. Other mammals pant. We sweat.

When the inside of the body does become infected and feverish, perspiration serves to reduce body temperature. Some of the toxins created as the body fights the infection are released through the sweat glands.

The importance of having healthy skin has to do with vitamin D synthesis. The receptors responsible for making vitamin D are present near the skin s surface. Food sources of the nutrient are few, except for those that have been fortified.

If the body does not produce it, vitamin D deficiency can occur. The deficiency is accompanied by fatigue and eventually causes the bones to become brittle, easily broken.

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory activity. Chronic inflammation is a cause of collagen degradation and cellular aging throughout the body. Inflammation plays a role in cancer. Vitamin D plays a role in preventing it.

You may be interested in the importance of having healthy skin, because you have heard that it looks better. Obviously, diseases like acne, eczema and psoriasis damage one s appearance. Research has shown that people with those diseases are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. So, the way that we look affects the health of our minds.

What factors combine to make a healthy-looking complexion? Primarily, they are cleanliness and moisture. Dirty, dry skin is unattractive and provides less protection.

There are many things that can damage your skin s health, without you even knowing about it. Some of those things may be present in the cosmetics you are currently using. Now that you understand the importance of having healthy skin, you might want to learn more about damaging cosmetic ingredients and the healthier alternatives.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best

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. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like

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root to even out skin pigmentation. To learn more visit her

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